WBA League Rules
Chief Umpire:
Pete Lopez 619.922.3961
1. Uniforms, BP, Helmets, Bats, and Baseballs
1a All teams must have full baseball uniforms consisting of caps, jerseys, and
baseball pants. Each player's uniform must be of similar design to his
teammates' uniforms. All jerseys must have numbers.
1b If the home team takes batting practice on the field it is common courtesy to give the visiting team the same option and at least 25 minutes to take batting practice on the field as well.
1c. All batters and runners must wear helmets (no exceptions). One earflap is
allowed as long as it faces the pitcher.
1d It is optional for coaches to wear helmets while coaching bases
1e Wood, composite, Baumbats, or similar bats are allowed. No metal
bats allowed.
1f Home team must provide all baseballs.
1g Each team will pay for one umpire per game.
2. Game Length, Run Rule, Tie Games, and Rain Outs
2a All games are scheduled for nine innings except doubleheaders which are a 9 inning and a 7 inning game. In the case of darkness or lights that have to be off at a certain time , a game will be considered complete after five innings. Umpires will have final say on whether it is too dark to play. Non-league games are at the discretion of the home team.
2b. Extra-inning games are decided by the international tie-break with a runner starting on second base.
2c. The run rule is Mandatory for league games only. If a team is down by 10 or more runs after their at- bat in seventh inning the game is over.
2d. Tie games will be completed the next time those two teams play again no matter where the game is played. The tie game will be played before the regularly scheduled game. If the two teams in question do not play again, the game will go down as a tie.
However, if the game means something in the standings the game will be replayed in its entirety.
2e. Rainouts will be decided by the home team before the game is played, but once the game is started, the umpires will then make the call. Rainouts will be rescheduled at the earliest convenience by both teams involved. They will then notify the league schedule-maker who will then notify the umpires.
3. Teams, Lineup Cards, and Players
3a Team rosters are limited to 30 eligible players for each game.
3b Each team is required to provide two copies of the lineup card to the home plate
umpire prior to the start of the game. The lineup card must list last name and
number. Substitutes must be granted upon request.
Managers must notify the home plate umpire who, in turn, will notify the opposing
team of all substitutions. Umpires will manage the lineup card. It will be the
official card for protests and batting out of order complaints.
3c Home team is official book. If Home team does not have a book then visiting team takes over.
3d Team must have nine players to start a game.
3e No player under contract with one team can play for another in league play unless they are released from the team that has the player contract. If a team needs an actual contract the league can send you a template.
3f A Player wishing to change teams must first receive his release from his original team.
The release should be emailed or a texted to the league office. The player will be considered ineligible until the league office acknowledges they have received the release.
4. Players and Manager Ejection’s
4a An umpire has sole discretion to expel any player or manager from the game.
The umpire must report the name of the player expelled to the league office.
The player expelled is not required to sit out the next game unless they are
expelled for fighting, verbally assaulting/threatening, or physical contact with an umpire or coach.
4b Fighting with another player is an automatic two-game suspension. The umpire must then submit a report to the league office for further review by the league officers in case a much longer suspension is warranted. Physical contact with an umpire by a player or coach is automatic four-game suspension. The umpire must then submit a report to the league office for further review by the league officers in case a much longer suspension is warranted.
4c Managers that are expelled are not required to serve a one game suspension.
4d If a player or coach is suspended, it is for league games only. Non-league games
do not apply.
4e Rules 4a thru 4d include inter-division games, but the suspension is for league games only.
5. Protests and Appeals
5a If a manager wants to lodge a protest, a $100.00 protest bond must be paid to the
league at the time the protest is filed. In the event the protest is upheld, the
$100 deposit will be refunded to the protesting manager. However, if the
protest is denied, the manager will forfeit the protest bond. Protests must be
received by the league office within 24 hours of the official game time. The
protest form must be used. Pete Lopez, head of the San Diego Umpire Association
will be the protest judge and form a 3-man committee.
5b There will be no appeals process for players, managers, or general mangers. The league ruling on protests and suspensions is final.
6. General League Rules
6a The League champion is determined by a 1 or 3 game playoff. The top teams in each division (North and South) will play a 1or 3 game playoff for the WBA Championship. The Team with the better overall league record is the one seed. Please see tiebreaker scenorios below.
6b The tiebreakers for playoffs are as follows in order.: Overall league record (see above) then head to head, then record within one's division and lastly, if needed, runs allowed against each other. If they still remain tied then it is a coin flip. The number one seed is the home team in game's one and three or just game one of a winner take all game
6c The forfeit time for each game is 15 minutes after the game were to start. If it is a
doubleheader, the second game forfeit time is 30 minutes after the first game was
forfeited. This is written this way so both teams and umpires do not have to wait around.
If both games are forfeited each umpire will be paid $50.00 for the day. The team
that forfeits the game or games will be responsible for paying both umpires. If it is a
non-league team that forfeits the game the WBA team is responsible for trying to collect
the umpire fees and if they do not they are responsible for paying the umpire. If you call
and cancel the game at any time the day before the game the umpires will not be paid.
6d Umpires will not be paid extra for extra innings unless they have to come back on a different date to finish the game. They will then be paid per inning at a pro-rated amount for one game. In turn, umpires will receive a full game's pay for any game that is not completed before
nine innings.
6e The 2023 NCAA rulebook will be in effect.
6g Each team in the WBA must have liability insurance or have a liability waiver form turned into the League office. Also, each team must have the Western Semi-Pro Baseball Association added as an additional insured under their liability policy. The league address is 3517 Caminito Sierra 303, Carlsbad, CA 92009.
6h Any team that leaves the league and either becomes an independent or joins another league
will not be allowed back into the league or play in any league tournaments for 3 years. This
rule also applies to teams that do not finish the season. Only unanimous consent by the Board of
Directors can overturn this rule. If a team shuts down for a season or two this rule does not apply.
6i Teams in the WBA will not be allowed to schedule games with teams that are in debt to the league. This includes former WBA teams and Independent teams. If a team in the WBA plays one of the owners/teams below one league loss will be added to their total. Please ask the league office for the list if you have any questions.
6j All teams must pay their league fees by June 15th or be assessed a 10% penalty. If your team is not paid up by July 15th another 10% penalty will be added. If you have not paid your league fees by the end of year your team will not be able to play in any NBC events until that debt is paid.
6k All rules in this document are Western Baseball Association rules. Any
rules not covered herein shall be covered by 2022 NCAA Rulebook.
Western Baseball Association
Protest Form
Name: ______________________________________________________________
Team Name: _________________________________________________________
Opposition: __________________________________________________________
Umpire's Name: (Plate) ____________________ (Field) ______________________
Date of Game: ________________________________________________________
Field Game was Played on: ______________________________________________
Rule being Protested: (Give Page, Rule, and Paragraph)
Summary of Circumstances:
Signature: _____________________________________________________________
Word Copy of the Rulebook Below